Mini Sessions
Minis sessions are a great way to easily capture photos of you and your family without committing to the cost and complexity of a full shoot. I usually offer these sessions 2-3 times throughout the year.
These 20 minute sessions are sold for $300 and include digital downloads of 15-20 photos, and access to my professional print lab. I am currently booking mini sessions for November 2022 in Southern California. This is a great opportunity to get your family together for holiday photos! See below for dates and locations.
November 5th
a field in Orange County, CA
November 6th
an indoor studio in Orange County, CA
November 19th
an Orange County beach
Wait List
Didn’t get the spot you were looking for? Fill out the form below, and follow me on Instagram to be notified if any spots open up. With enough demand, I might even announce new dates and locations via my email newsletter.